Hello everyone! I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself (owner and creator of Noah's Boytique) and my little munchkins who are the reason behind it all.
My name is Lindsay and I am a mom of two boys, Noah (4) and Nikolas (1). I started this company when Noah was a few months old, although the concept and idea began while I was pregnant with him. My background was in marketing and sales and I had always worked in the corporate world but I always wanted to have my own business. I tried dappling in real estate, got my real estate license, and decided that wasn't for me. I tried freelance consulting, had a women's online clothing boutique, sold at our local swamp meet and had many other failed ventures before Noah's Boytique came to life. It was a culmination of all the lessons I had learned from the corporate world and my failed endeavors that finally led me to get it together for this business.
The last 3 years have been a whirlwind and I love constantly learning and working toward making our product better while we focus on quality and customer service. I have been blessed to be able to bring aboard a team of other mom's who want the freedom to work from home and feel the pride of making products for all of our wonderful customers. I am truly humbled and honored every time an order comes through and I look forward to creating outfits for your little guys and gals (our girl line launched late 2015) for many years to come.
Noah modeling his favorite bow tie from our 2016 Spring Collection
Nikolas working hard modeling one of our First Birthday Outfits
Finally, little ol' me! Nice to meet all of you. :)